State of Tamil Nadu v State of Karnataka & Ors.

River associated: Cauvery
States involved: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Union Territory of Puducherry
Summary of the order/judgement

The Constitution Bench heard the case referred to it by the earlier bench in State of Tamil Nadu v State of Karnataka, order dated March 21, 1997.

On the insistence of the Supreme Court, the Attorney General of India made a statement in the Court on 9th April, 1997 that the Union of India was agreeable to frame a scheme under Section 6A of the Inter-State Water Disputes Act, 1956 for the effective implementation of the interim award of the Tribunal. After the hearing on 9th April, 1997, when the Supreme Court directed the Union Government to frame a scheme there have been regular hearings on 20th August, 1997, 30th September 1997, 11th November, 1997, 6th January, 1998, 31st March, 1998, 28th April, 1998 and 21st July, 1998 in the Supreme Court. In view of the above, under the provisions of Section 6A of the 1956 Act, the Central Government notified a Scheme called Cauvery Water (implementation of the Interim Order of 1991 and all subsequent Related Orders of the Tribunal) Scheme, 1998 consisting of Cauvery River Authority (CRA) and Monitoring Committee (CMC).