The Nitrogen Legacy: Long-Term Effects of Water Pollution on Human Capital

By Dr. Esha Zaveri, Economist at World Bank’s Water Global Practice, March 7, 2019

About the talk

The five-fold rise in the use of nitrogenous fertilizers since the mid-1960s resulted in profound changes to the nitrogen cycle and exacted a toll on India’s waters— runoff of excess nitrogen from fields increased concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in the rivers to harmful levels. Despite ecological evidence of too much nitrogen in the environment, much less is known about its effect on humans. In her talk, Dr. Zaveri provided new evidence of the legacy effects of nitrogen pollution and persistent effects of early-life exposure on later-life health outcomes.


About the speaker

Esha Zaveri is an economist at the World Bank’s Water Global Practice in Washington D.C. Before joining the World Bank, she was a  Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University’s Department of Earth System Science and the Center on Food Security and the Environment. She works on issues related to water resource management, sustainable agriculture, rural climate impacts, health, and migration.